18th Asian Battery Conference and Exhibition (18ABC)

Welcome to 18th Asian Battery conference 2019
It gives me great pleasure to extend to you all a very warm invitation to participate in the 18ABC. The Westin Resort Nusa Dua in Bali will host the 18th Asian Battery Conference and Exhibition. The event will take place from 3 – 6 September 2019.
Over those years, the conference itself has continued to change. From a highly technical and scientific format to one that now also addresses the commercial and socio economic aspects of our growing and developing industry. At the time of the first ABC in 1986, the world lead tonnage consume was 5.5 million tonnes with 65% entering the battery market.
Today we consume over 13 million tonnes with 85% being converted to batteries. The range and types of batteries we produce now have also changed during this period. And of course the way we make the battery.
It’s a far cry from that first conference when the market was dominated by the use of antimonial alloys. Many producers were just starting to think about converting the negative into a calcium alloy and producing a \”hybrid\” battery.
So it is with this history and background that I have great pleasure in welcoming you to 18ABC. The aims is to deliver an enhanced knowledge and a greater appreciation of our dynamic and growing industry.
You will find us at booths L3 and L4.
As usual also our Partners will join the 18th Asian Battery Conference 2019.
During the exhibition you will find also seminars, presentations and symposium.
Come to the exhibition to hold commercial negotiations, take part in presentations held by the largest companies in the industry.
You will find specialized exhibitions focused on specialists in the field of production and recovery of lead-acid batteries.
We wait you in Bali! See you soon!